Resources Author: Anand Kannan


RPA in Manufacturing – Automate Monotonous Tasks for Better Productivity & Outcomes

The robotics revolution is over the horizon as industries across different verticals have started to embrace the latest innovation. Notably, the manufacturing industry is utilizing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to its fullest for experiencing error-free and streamlined processes, resulting in better productivity and efficiency. Erroneous repetitive processes dramatically increase the productivity risk and smart leaders…

Addressing Modern Manufacturing Problems with IoT

The evolution of advanced technology has started to impact the manufacturing process and supply chain. This is marked as the beginning of a new era by industry leaders. The fourth industrial revolution is almost here and a new wave of technologies like IoT, AI, RPA has started to shift the mission-critical processes of manufacturing, helping…


Martech ‘ Transforming B2B Marketing and Customer Service with AI Tech

Marketing Technology, or Martech, as it is called, is evolving fast and companies that have realized its significance and incorporated it into their marketing strategy are seeing amazing results in the market. Martech needs no introduction for most businesses; for others, it is the advanced technology, like AI, utilized by marketers for better engaging with…


5 Exciting Ways Digital Transformation Is Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is evolving fast and the trend is all set to continue at least for several years. But a real challenge affecting the efficiency and growth of this industry is managing and sharing data within the organization, as this ensures hassle-free patient care and recovery. According to PwC, digital technologies are transforming the landscape…

Digital Transformation in Retail

Digital Transformation in Retail: 4 Solutions for Offering a Connected Digital Experience

With online customers hooked to digital innovation like real-time personalization, recommendations, loyalty programs, in-store personalization, expedited order and delivery, retailers are left with no other choice but to adopt advanced digital solutions to align with changing customer behaviors. A digitally connected retail experience not only increases customer engagement but also employee engagement and sales. So,…

Public vs. Private vs. Hybrid -Tips to Choose the Best Cloud Model for Your Business

Gartner predicts that by 2020, $1 trillion or more may be spent on Cloud technology. From the report, Cloud computing is widely implemented and organizations regardless of size are utilizing this robust technology to enhance value, productivity and return on IT investments. However, understanding different types of Cloud models: Public, Private or Hybrid is recommended when it comes…


5 Ways Digital Transformation Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing Industry

A key to success for manufacturers is their ability to focus on product design, production process advancements, and customer satisfaction. However, meeting this criteria with paper-based processes impacts the bottom-line. While a few manufacturers have already started to accept the digital revolution, many hesitate as they’re unaware of the benefits digital transformation solutions can add…

Understanding IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

Understanding IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and Tips to Find the Right Cloud Stack for SMBs

The Cloud has become a hot topic for small and medium businesses (SMBs) as it offers tons of benefits and most are considering switching their businesses to the Cloud. Forrester claims that the public Cloud services market will grow rapidly to $236 billion in 2020. But, when considering the migration options, SMBs are bombarded with different…


5 Considerations for Small and Mid-Size Businesses Planning for Cloud Migration

A most discussed topic today by businesses and technical heads of leading organizations is moving workloads to the Cloud. It requires meticulous planning and defined approach to deciding on when or whether to migrate to this next-generation platform. As every CEO knows deciding on migrating to the Cloud can be daunting, we’ve compiled 5 considerations…

