Resources Author: Pradeep Gwalani

The REAL Economic Impact of Microsoft Power Platform for Businesses

The REAL Economic Impact of Microsoft Power Platform for Businesses

Introduction According to a Forrester Economic Impact report, Microsoft Power Platform has successfully offered workflow automation tools to combine and streamline digital process automation. With the advent of robotic process automation, business users can now unearth new analog data through AI capabilities, streamline customer business processes, improve security, and reduce overall costs. Interestingly, Microsoft’s Forrester…

MS Power Apps Use Cases and Examples

Introduction In a tech-driven world, businesses are at the forefront of cutting out manual tasks and reducing operational costs. The newest tech innovations are more than capable of helping companies save on long-term costs. Fortunately, businesses have to realize and recognize the importance of process automation and its ties with MS Power Automate to automate…

What is MS Power Automate

Introduction Companies now recognize that hybrid work is here to stay. Companies must improve collaboration, innovation, and growth. Businesses are eager to use MS Power Automate features to usher in a new era of digital transformation. MS Power Automate has a wide range of capabilities that allow organizations to optimize, modernize, and streamline automation. Users…

