A guide on Azure Serverless Computing: Logic Apps

June 22, 2022

Prabhu Perumal Renita Joan

A guide on Azure Serverless Computing: Logic Apps 

Azure Logic Apps are one of the most easily readily services built-in with Azure. Users can create the workflows using the interface that can be either for business use cases or processes to integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises.  

 It helps schedule, automate, and orchestrate tasks with the help of the 400+re connectors ecosystem.  

 You’d probably have many questions about Azure Logic Apps work and how they may benefit you. Here are the answers to a few of your most pressing questions.

What can be done with Logic Apps?  

Azure Logic App watches for new files in an SFTP server, moves them to Blob storage, and subsequently executes HTTP request/Function app on a specified schedule. You can also watch out for insert/update rows in Azure SQL and insert a new row table based on the HTTP request payload.

How do Logic Apps work?  

Each workflow starts with a single trigger, which is fired based on the conditions or how often it is set to run. One or more actions are triggered to carry out the business logic. Each action’s output is given to the following action as an input, or it can be assigned to a variable that will be used later. It has different ways to help with the following control actions.  
  1. Condition-based control
  2. For each control
  3. Switch control
  4. Until control
 It also has inline code execution support, where we can run JavaScript code and give that output to subsequent actions.  
How Logic Apps work 

How Logic Apps work  

The following are the essential key terms used in Azure Logic Apps.  


A workflow is a series of steps that define the business process or task. Each workflow starts with a single trigger and executes one or more actions.  


It is the first step in any workflow which specifies the condition for running the further steps in that workflow 

  • Recurrence Trigger – Runs on specific intervals  
  • Polling Trigger – Polls a service/system based on predefined intervals  
  • Push Trigger – Waits and listens for new data or for an event to happen  
Logic App Triggers 

Logic App Triggers


An action is each step in a workflow after the trigger. Every action runs some operation in a workflow. For example, it operates the query data from the SQL tables, posts a message in the service bus queue, loops through all the blobs in a storage account container, and many more.  


A connector is a prebuilt proxy or wrapper for the REST API that can be used to access the specific app, data, service, or system. Using the connectors creates a connection from the workflow and authenticates your identity. 

Managed Connectors 

Managed Connectors

What are Logic App limitations?  

Name   Limit  
Workflows per region per subscription   1,000 workflows  
Triggers per workflow   10 triggers  
Actions per workflow   500 actions  
Actions nesting depth   8 actions  
Trigger or action – Maximum name length   80 characters  
Trigger or action – Maximum input or output size   104,857,600 bytes (105 MB)  
Action – Maximum combined inputs and outputs size   209,715,200 bytes (210 MB)  
Expression character limit   8,192 characters  
description – Maximum length   256 characters  
parameters – Maximum number of items   50 parameters  
outputs – Maximum number items   10 outputs  

What is its Pricing? 

Meter  Price  Free Grant (per month)  
Actions  $0.000025  4000 actions  
Standard Connector  $0.000125    
Enterprise Connector  $0.001    

 Pricing example  

Total actions  50000  
Standard connectors  10 x $0.000125  
Enterprise connectors  10 x $0.00  
Monthly free grant  4000  
Total actions  46000 x $0.000025  
Total monthly cost  $1.16125  

Capabilities and benefits of Logic Apps  

Given that Azure Logic Apps work efficiently in creating easy workflows, let’s look into its benefits:

  • Easy to design by using the Logic app designer  
  • Makes use of the existing predefined templates   
  • Write once and reuse as many times by exporting them as ARM templates  
  • Pay only for what you use like any other serverless computing models  

Eleviant allows you to manage Azure Serverless resources and quickly scale up and down to match the demands of any business process. Azure Logic Apps make it easier to plan, automate, and organize assignments, business work processes, and services across organizations. Get in touch with our experts to learn more about Serverless computing and how to utilize Azure Logic Apps in your business operations. 

Disclaimer: All the images used in this series of blogs are sourced from the official Microsoft™ Azure Serverless computing charts and pictography. 

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