Automation Bots: If You Can Imagine It, You Can Build It

June 25, 2024

Idhaya M V

Automation Bots: If You Can Imagine It, You Can Build It

Behind every successful insurance agency lies a drive towards operational efficiency. 

Policy renewals, reconciliation, data entry, and policy administration all contribute to sluggish workflows and frustrated employees. These tasks drain valuable time and resources leading to errors and inconsistencies. 

The Solution: Intelligent Automation 

This frees your employees to focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional customer service, building strong relationships with policyholders, and tackling complex tasks requiring human expertise and judgment. 

Power Beyond Pre-Built Bots 

Pre-created bots for common use cases are a great starting point, but intelligent automation’s true strength lies in its customizability. You can build custom automation workflows for your specific needs, further streamlining workflows and boosting efficiency. 

Unleashing Creativity in Automation 

When you decide to implement Intelligent Automation for your insurance agency, it’s important to understand that the opportunities are nearly endless. Deciding between where to use pre-built and custom bots requires a strategic approach. Pre-built bots are perfect ready-made solutions that tackle frequent tasks like policy renewals and data entry, immediately reducing your workload and improving accuracy. Custom bots are tailored to your agency’s unique workflows and challenges. Partnering with the right intelligent automation expert unlocks this potential, helping you identify areas for optimization and build custom solutions that streamline complex workflows and empower your agency. You can combine creativity and think of inventive methods to optimize and improve your agency’s operations

 Let’s see how: 

The “Bot Brainstorming Framework” for Insurance

Our custom framework is designed to spark creative ideas for applying automation to your agency’s unique needs. 

Step 1: Finding Automation Opportunities 

  • Train Your Team: Hold workshops to explain intelligent automation and how bots can benefit the insurance industry (give real-life examples). 
  • Review Current Tasks: Organize meetings to discuss and document how things are done now across different departments. Use recording tools to capture details. 
  • What you’ll have: A list of tasks that could be automated. 
  • What you’ll learn: How often these tasks are done, how long they take, and how many people are involved. 

Step 2: Setting Automation Goals 

  • Understanding Your Needs: Hold workshops with various teams to define goals for automation in different departments and for the entire company. 
  • Ask yourself: Why automate? Is it to save time and money or to handle more work? 
  • What you’ll have: A document outlining your automation goals, such as becoming more efficient, saving money, or better following regulations. 
  • What you’ll set: Targets for improvement (e.g., 30% faster processing or handling double the workload). 

Step 3: Choosing the Best Tasks to Automate 

  • Evaluating Tasks: Use a scoring system to rate each task based on how simple it is (following rules), how repetitive it is, and how often there are exceptions. 
  • Prioritizing Tasks: Use a chart to show which tasks will give the most benefit compared to how hard they are to automate. 
  • Building a Business Case: Develop a tool to estimate how much money automating each task might save. 
  • Get Everyone’s Input: Meet with different teams to get feedback. 
  • What you’ll have: A prioritized list of tasks to automate and a future vision of how these tasks will work after automation. 

Step 4: Building Your Automation Plan 

  • Creating a Roadmap: Develop a plan outlining when and how you will build and implement bots based on your company’s needs and priorities. 
  • Estimating Time and Resources: Figure out how much time and people you’ll need to build each bot. 
  • What you’ll have: A plan for implementing automation, potential challenges, and how to overcome them. 

Step 5: Trying Out and Improving Your Bots 

  • Building Mini-Bots (Proofs of Concept): Create simple versions of your most promising bot ideas. These are like test models to see if they work. 
  • Testing Your Mini-Bots: See how well these mini-bots function and get feedback from different teams and the people who will use them. 
  • What you’ll have: Working mini-bots and suggestions on how to make them better. 

Step 6: Launching and Refining Your Bots 

  • Putting Your Bots to Work (Pilot Projects): Start using your bots in small-scale projects before rolling them out across the entire company. 
  • Tracking Performance: Keep an eye on how well your bots are doing and gather data on their performance. 
  • Making Adjustments: Continuously improve your bots based on the data you collect and the feedback you receive. 
  • What you’ll have: Successfully launched bots in pilot projects, with ongoing improvements based on user experience and data. 

Step 7: Sharing Your Knowledge 

  • Documenting Your Journey: Write down everything you learned while developing your bots, including any challenges you faced and the best practices you discovered. 
  • What you’ll have: A record of your bot development process that can be used for future automation projects. 

How Intelligent Automation Can Help Your Agency Grow

1. Intelligent Automation That Fits Your Needs:

  • Pre-Built Bots & Beyond: With Intelligent Automation, you have the power to build bots specifically designed to address the unique challenges and processes within your insurance agency. For a deeper understanding of this point, this case study offers a great example: Applied Epic Data Management Automated using Bots. 
  • Adaptability to Complexities: Intelligent Automation tools are the best match for handling the complexities in insurance processes. They can be configured to navigate various data formats, adapt to changes in user interfaces across different systems, and handle exceptions with pre-defined workflows to ensure smooth operation.

2. Security:

  • Customizable Access Controls: Intelligent Automation solutions ensure that only authorized users can access specific functions and data within the bot, enhancing security compliance within your agency. 
  • Integration with Existing Security Systems: Intelligent Automation tools perfectly integrate with your security infrastructure. This allows you to use existing authentication protocols and user access controls to ensure the bots operate within your established security framework.

3. Adaptability as Your Business Evolves:

  • Scalability for Growth: Automation tools are designed to be scalable – you can easily create new bots or modify existing ones to accommodate changes in business processes. 
  • Continuous Improvement: As you monitor bot performance and identify areas for improvement, you can easily adjust configurations or retrain the bots to optimize their effectiveness. 

Your requirements might keep changing, but new bots can be built as the need arises. A partner with an in-depth understanding of the insurance industry and automation can help you get started today.

Recommended Resource: Why RPA Should Be a Focus for Insurance Agencies in 2024 


  • Effortless policy renewals and cancellations 
  • Freed-up employees focusing on strategic initiatives 
  • A future-proofed agency ready for growth

vBots offers a transformative solution customized to your agency’s unique needs. These intelligent virtual assistants aren’t just about automation—they’re about innovation. By using the power of vBots, your agency can unlock new levels of efficiency, productivity, and success. 

Don’t just automate, innovate with vBots! 

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