Conversational AI converts prospects into active purchasers and loyal patrons.

vChat Materializes Business Potential

Recover Abandoned Carts


“I’m still interested in the items I selected last week.”

Recommend Products


“I’m looking for something similar, just in a larger size.”

Answer Common Queries


“Can you provide detailed product specs and manufacturer information?”

Place and Manage Orders


“Help me purchase this item and locate my tracking code.”

Process Returns and Refunds


“I bought the wrong color and need to exchange.”

By upgrading every e-commerce touchpoint, retail chatbots generate sales and lasting satisfaction.


Retail Bot


Chatbots for every business

Natural Interactions

vChat employs powerful NLU and NLG layers, resulting in an organic, human-like user experience. Over time, it improves its comprehension, accuracy of responses, conversational tone, and personalization as it learns from user behavior and past interactions. Rich, human-like connection and effortless handling of nearly any request make vChat the ideal personal shopping assistant to look after your customers.

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Customizable Experience

vChat offers flexibility without the burden of major code revisions. Retailers can quickly integrate FAQs, define workflows and welcome messages, and set threshold values to ensure confident responses. The chatbot’s behavior, content, and responses can be easily updated to keep pace with evolving business requirements and customer needs.

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Simple Integration

vChat interfaces with software applications over the internet without the need for installation. It can connect with e-commerce platforms directly, meaning customers can browse, add-to-cart, and purchase without ever navigating away from the chatbot.

Customer Onboarding

Rapid Conversion

vChat makes it easy for customers to find answers and make informed decisions, building trust and brand loyalty. Intelligent product recommendations and abandoned cart reminders save sales that could have been skipped or forgotten. Instant customer support means shoppers spend less time searching and more time finding. By keeping interactions prompt and contained to one place, brands can take advantage of high transaction momentum and drive more purchases.

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