Xamarin Alternatives: Flutter & React Native

March 25, 2020

Neha Surana

Xamarin Alternatives: Flutter & React Native

The world of mobile app development is undergoing interesting shifts and development. From being feared as an intensive and laborious element, it now lays at the crux of businesses and is an important part of the marketing agenda.

Flutter and React Native are two new players on the block which have downsized the labor behind developing an app and have simplified the code backing to an almost a single line code base. It is truly a revolution!

Let us explore these fascinating members of technology that are allowing developers to focus more on programming rather than staying stuck in the code vortex.



The advent of smartphones gave birth to the world of mobile apps which appeased peoples’ lives, routines, and wellbeing. A watershed moment for millennials, brilliant ideas of developing creative and versatile apps gradually faced technical hurdles & brick walls that eventually put an end to brilliant ideas & dreams.

Faced with beginner problems like learning to code, choosing the right programming language to develop the app, and learning different languages for Android, iOS application development and the web, a single codebase that resolves these issues was a long time coming. Flutter, a Google brainchild is the answer to these predicaments.

The Gist of Flutter

In a nut-shell, Flutter is an open source and free mobile software development kit that is deployed to develop native iOS and Android app from a single code base. 

A toolkit that is built on a single codebase, Flutter enables programmers to build beautiful, intuitive, natively compiled apps for mobile, desktop and the internet at large. Basically, built like widgets, the user interface (UI) which usually comprises buttons, menu, fonts (text), padding and others, are readily available to the programmer to perform any task coded on to them. 

Flutter’s framework is built on a rich set of beautiful Material Design (Android) and Cupertino (iOS-flavor) and designing the UI with limitless options, programmers can achieve extremely customized, visually stunning and brand-driven user experiences and interfaces. 

With ready-made widgets, flutter proffers a 2D render engine and a strikingly modern ‘real-style’ framework and other development tools which are built for all popular operating systems (Android, iOS, Windows and desktop) and these widgets morph to occupy any display size of any aspect ratio. 

In fact, the focal thought of Flutter is in due consideration with widgets. The UI is completely made of consolidating various widgets, every one of which characterizes a basic component (like a button or menu), an expressive component (like a text style or shading plan), a part of format (like cushioning, etc. Flutter doesn’t utilize OEM gadgets, yet gives its own instant gadgets which look local either to iOS applications (Cupertino) or Android (Material Design). It’s additionally conceivable to make custom widgets 

This being the bane of a programmer, the single codebase program and the widget style UI enables them to concentrate less on aesthetics and more on the backend functionality of the app, which was much needed. As apps built before flutter needed to be programmed and maintained separately for all platforms and screen sizes, the single most brainwave of Flutter is helping millions of programmers and billions of users worldwide. 

Advantages of Flutter

1. Single Code Based Frontend and Backend

Flutter uses a single language, Dart which works in contrast to the conventional methodology where it does not save data in separate files but a reactive framework. It makes app development a lot more easier for the developer.

2. Compatibility

Widgets make up for an important part of the app instead of the platform which makes it easily compatible with either the Android platform or the iOS platform. Developers won’t face any integration issues which will, in turn, lead to a judicious timeline as less time will be expended on testing.

3. Amplified Productivity

We know that Flutter can work on multitudes of platforms and is cross-platform, compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. This will negate the extra coding that is required to fit in the specific platform module and save resources as well as time.

4. Development Simplified

Singling out the most praised highlights of Flutter is a much in talk reload that enables you to in a flash see the progressions crafted in the code resting upon emulators, test systems and equipment. In under a second, the changed code is reloaded while the application continues to run with no requirement for a do-over.

This is incredible for structure UIs or including highlights and bug fixtures as well. To the extent effortlessness is taken into consideration, Flutter guarantees in its guidelines the ease of usage and programming of this platform. It is anything but difficult to such an extent that no earlier programming information is required.

5. Open Source

Perhaps the most common and well-known advantage, Flutter is an open-source element which demands no monetary fee and aids developers with intrinsic documentation and guidance from tech community to reach out for help.

6. Improved Performance

Flutter apps run on Dart and this Dart integrates into native codes and there is no requirement for the OEM widgets access as Flutter boasts of its own widgets. This means fewer crossbows between the app and the platform which makes development quick and easy. These factors also lead to a quicker app start up a timeline and high performance.

7. A Plethora of Open Source Packages

The huge arrangement of open source bundles accessible encourages you make applications quicker, effortlessly, and there are a great deal of bundles current accessible which make many confused assignments a lot simpler. Albeit still generally youthful, the bundle library is developing significantly consistently on account of a regularly developing populace of engineers effectively adding to Flutter.

Easy Integration With Firebase

Firebase gives out of the crate support for a gathering of administrations, for example, distributed storage, cloud capacities, ongoing databases, facilitating, verification and more. Your foundation is immediately serverless, repetitive and adaptable. This implies you don’t need to invest a ton of energy and assets fabricating the backend. It’s likewise direct to join it with an apparatus for robotizing your advancement and discharge procedure like Fastlane; encouraging Continuous Delivery. Along these lines you don’t must have devoted DevOps support in your group.

Apps Made Using Flutter

1. Entertainment

  • PostMuse – Enabling editing of Instagram stories and photo
  • Topline – Enabling easy music recording
  • Tencent
  • Abbey Road Studios
  • Music Tutor – Music reading app
  • InKino – showtime browser for Finnkino theatres
2. Shopping
  • HuYu – Paid surveys and rewards app
  • Xianyu by Alibaba – m-commerce app
3. Lifestyle
  • Pawfect Match – Tinder for animal adoption
4. Business
  • Google Ads – Advertising manager app
  • Google GreenTea – A list of apps built using Flutter
  • AppTree – Enterprise app
5. Finance
  • JD Finance – Fintech organization app
  • Cryptomaniac Pro – Cryptocurrencies app
6. Social Networking
  • N8 – Event finding app
  • Pairing – Connecting singles looking for relationships
  • KlasterMe – Content discovering and creation app
  • Meeve – Connecting people offline

With Flutter, developers have the maximum control over each pixel.

React Native App


In the event that you are new to mobile development, the most effortless approach to begin is with Expo CLI. Expo is a lot of instruments worked around React Native and, while it has numerous highlights, the most applicable element for us right presently is that it can make you compose a React Native application inside minutes. You will just need an ongoing variant of Node.js and a telephone or emulator.

The center idea driving Expo is to broaden React-Native with pre-composed parts like the ones referenced previously. Expo has amazing documentation with an exhaustingly extensive rundown of APIs in the sidebar, make certain to look at it!

In any case, Expo additionally has its drawbacks: your application will have an impressive size when you manufacture it (around 20-30MB .apk for a Hello World undertaking) since it has these highlights implicit, not just the ones that you use; and right now, you can’t unequivocally compose or utilize local Swift/Kotlin code.

Reasons to Go For React Native

1. Code reusability

It utilizes one code based that is shared between the two stages.

Reuse web instruments and skills — Reuse JavaScript information, apparatuses and utilities like axios, Redux, and different libraries that don’t require the DOM from the web.

2. Corporate backing

Lot’s of organizations backing and add to React Native including Airbnb, Walmart, Facebook, and Wix.

3. Performance

Performs superior to anything crossover application structures like Ionic and Cordova since it isn’t utilizing web sees.

4. Enhanced for designer productivity

Comes with highlights like hot/live module reloading and chrome engineer apparatuses for troubleshooting out of the crate!

5. Cross-Platform

Great approach to model and spare time while structure either a widespread client interface or stage explicit versatile application that can keep running on the two iOS and Android gadgets.

6. Better client experience

React Native uses the JavaScript code to render local parts from your telephone’s OS. At the end of the day, the application’s (UI) is altogether local!

7. Community

React Native has a huge (and developing) network with more than 1500 supporters of the center task and thousands more who add to different libraries.

To be completely forthright, introducing a few highlights or instruments to utilize may errand and irritating. You start to ask why we can’t simply utilize a by next GUI sort of establishment and why some of the time we need to utilize order line and the preferences.

To begin with React Native, you may not really need to experience some thorough strides to get your workspace running. This article is focused towards the essential or novice establishment of beginning with React Native.

Stage 1: Node Installation 

Fortunate for you, Node has a GUI establishment so you don’t need to do to your direction line to need to begin keeping in touch with certain lines that you may not presumably comprehend or appears to be somewhat confounding. You can get the installer bundle from nodejs.org/en/download/

A download document for the two Windows and Mac are made accessible there.

Stage 2: Install the Create React Native App 

Now, you would need to utilize the direction line. Try not to be terrified. You are just thinking of one single line.

Open your direction brief or terminal and type in

npm introduce – g make respond local application

npm represents Node bundle manager.

– g represents global.

When that is done, type in

create-react-native-app (name of the project)

Press enter once you type that in. This would take some time for it to get finished.

When this is finished, you are set to start your sending.

Do a difference in registry to the area where you introduced the React Native App. Along these lines, you should simply advance toward the organizer holding all your application documents. This should be possible utilizing the change catalog direction as demonstrated as follows.

Type in cd (project name) and press enter.

Type npm start and press Enter.

This will begin an improvement server for you, and print a QR code in your terminal.

Stage 3: Run Application

Go to your application store from an Apple empowered gadget or the Google play store from an Android gadget.

Quest for Expo. Download and introduce.

Ensure your smartphone is on a similar system with your PC.

Open the Application and Select to sweep code.

In your order brief or terminal, your code would have shown when you composed npm start. Utilize your telephone to filter the QR code.

To adjust your application, find the App.js document in your envelope or catalog and open it with your favored content tool. Do some little changes to the Text area and spare your record. Notice the change on your telephone in a split second.

On the off chance that you don’t see any change quickly, shake your telephone to open up the engineer menu.

At the point when the Menu is opened, select Enable Hot Reloading.

Your portable application should now promptly reload once any change has been made to your source codes.

Famous Applications of React Native

For what reason are the biggest organizations utilizing React Native?


Instagram acknowledged the demand to incorporate React Native into their current local application starting from the most straightforward view you can envision: the Push Notification see which was fundamentally executed as the WebView. It didn’t require building route foundation, as UI was very basic.

For what reason did they pick React Native? 
The dev group at Instagram confronted a couple of issues in transit, yet they significantly improved designer speed. 85% to 99% of code was shared among Android and iOS applications, contingent upon items, subsequently the group had the option to convey the application a lot quicker than they would have with a local arrangement.


Respond Native started as Facebook’s hackathon venture created in light of the organization’s needs. Facebook needed to bring every one of the benefits of web advancement –, for example, snappy emphasess and having a solitary group build up the entire item – to portable. That is the manner by which React Native was enlivened and utilized in portable application advancement for the two iOS and Android applications.

For what reason did they pick React Native?

At the onset, Facebook simply made React Native to help iOS. Regardless, with it’s constant help of the Android working structure, the library would now have the choice to give flexible UIs to the two stages. Facebook utilized React Native to build up its own Ads Manager application, making both an Android and iOS variety. The two structures were made by a relative social occasion of fashioners.

Facebook in like way made an open-source react Native, with the probability that closeness with different stages like Windows or tvOS could be managed by the improvement arrange, so stay tuned.


Walmart has just demonstrated its creative disposition bringing Node.js into their stack. A couple of years after the fact they likewise modified their versatile application into React Native.

Walmart figured out how to improve execution of the application on the two iOS and Android by utilizing less assets and inside shorter time length. 96% of the codebase was shared between stages while aptitudes and experience of engineers were utilized over the association.

For what reason did they pick React Native? 
Walmart points truly elevated, endeavoring to turn into the world’s biggest online retailer. With such huge objectives the organization needs to take strong moves that include higher hazard so as to increase an upper hand. That is the reason they generally look for the approaches to improve client experience by difficult new innovations.

SoundCloud Pulse

SoundCloud Pulse is an application for makers that encourages them deal with their records and keep their locale murmuring. At the point when the organization began structuring the second arrangement of local applications, they confronted a couple of deterrents. iOS designers were difficult to discover and they would not like to have a colossal hole between the iOS and Android discharges. Along these lines, an autonomous research group began to run client testing sessions with React Native applications models (find out additional: IT Team Augmentation).

For what reason did they pick React Native? 
Their involvement with the structure was commonly positive. Designers thought that it was simpler to take a shot at a React Native-put together application than with respect to a local application. In addition, they were fit for structure the application independent from anyone else without successive contribution from particular portable engineers.


Townske plans to be your movement motivation city manage on your next outing. The application interfaces you with local people to get a rundown of their preferred places and makes a curated rundown of spots to investigate and encounter as local people do. It’s not compulsory for clients to have a record, which is extraordinary, as it enables you to rapidly locate the following area you need to visit.

Envision that you have low Wi-Fi availability, or that your battery is coming up short – in these cases, it’s a flawless element to have. ( See increasingly: Famous applications utilizing electron)

For what reason did they pick React Native? 
Respond Native is centered exclusively around structure a portable UI. Contrasted and JavaScript systems like MeteorJS or AngularJS React Native is UI-centered, making it more like a repository of JavaScript than a structure.

The subsequent UI is exceptionally responsive and feels liquid gratitude to non concurrent JavaScript collaborations with the local condition. This implies the application will have quicker and smooth burden times than a run of the mill cross breed application, and a streamlined outlook.


Spinner empowers you to see the total story of your life; it’s the wellbeing application on steroids. Not exclusively would you be able to track steps, your exercise, or your pulse, yet with the many reconciliations you can likewise follow exercises like profitability on the PC, or use rest tracker and programmed Ai to ensure you get enough rest.

Results: Every one of the information is shown in two appealing, admirably planned perspectives: Simple and Cards mode. Every single followed datum is totaled in day by day/week by week/month to month articulations, and you can likewise effectively profound plunge into it and single out which things you need to center straightaway.


React Native and Flutter are all set to revolutionize the mobile app development paradigm with its simplified line code, reduced cost and easy to use interface. This might just reel in more talent into the app development sector and give way to more innovative apps!

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