Where to Find iPhone App Developers?

January 6, 2013

Impiger Technologies

Where to Find iPhone App Developers?

I need a good developer at a fair price. That’s what anyone who wants to hire an iPhone App developer wants. Good developers are everywhere, but the question is how to find them?

Here a few tips to help you search and hire a quality iPhone developer.

Search the App Store

This could be the best starting point. Hit this link ‘Download iTunes‘, download and search for apps you like. Not just for apps similar to your idea, but for any app that interests you. The developer’s link will be available on the app page. If you’re impressed with their work, speak to them.

Use the Social Media

If you’re on Twitter or Facebook, ask your network to recommend. Quite nothing like a reference from a friend. Do a check on the developer’s apps. If you like what you see, get in touch. In the end, to hire a developer go by your gut feel.

Search in Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL or Ask
Google for app developers in your area. If you find someone interesting, ask for a portfolio. It may be a good idea to meet up and discuss. But, talk about your app idea in brief, never reveal details until you have signed a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Try the Forums
I’d also suggest you to visit some forums like Modmyi, everythingiCafe, iPhoneblogForum, and search for app developers. You can also post here that you’re looking for iPhone app developers. Better still, if you have a site or blog post your requirement there. The search engines will pick it up and developers will reach you.

Reach professional freelancers
Here are a few sites you may browse through to find iPhone application developers. Guru or GetaFreelancer. Some of these sites work on the bidding model. You can browse through and find developers, read reviews about their work, find their hourly rates. Contact them. And hire them.

If you like to talk to us about making your dream app, call now: 1-972-346-8186 and get our free custom mobile application development consulting.

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