Sitecore Omnichannel Automation: Give Your Customers Unified Experience Across All Channels

May 31, 2017

Anand Kannan

Sitecore Omnichannel Automation: Give Your Customers Unified Experience Across All Channels

Customer experience, to be even more precise, continuous customer experience is a must today for businesses as the digitization has transformed the way customers interact with brands and consume information. To establish a continuous interaction and engagement with customers, omnichannel marketing is widely practiced by digital marketers worldwide.

So, what is omnichannel marketing?

A brief description would be it’s all about distributing your business promotions across all possible digital channels for better customer engagement. Nevertheless, offering your customers one connected experience across channels is tiresome and requires lots of time.

What does omnichannel automation with Sitecore means for your business?
Sitecore, the leading experience platform, is evolving fast and companies are investing in the robust and highly secure platform (though it is exorbitant) for its ability to innovate and deliver. Sitecore’s omnichannel automation differs from generic omnichannel marketing. With the top-rated platform, it is easier to bring on one connected experience to your online users across all the channels.

The sections below will highlight on how Sitecore Experience Platform assists marketers in performing multichannel activities to provide a unified business information to all users.

Features and benefits of one multichannel, connected platform:

Email experience (Sitecore Email Experience Manager)
Now, you can craft 1:1 emails to customers based on the customer interaction data. Such personalized emails created with insights will help in producing amazing results for your business.

Key features:

  • Personalized email based on customer data
  • Complete data on email open, click through rate, web behavior, engagement, goals and conversion
  • Rigorous testing of every single component of campaign for better customer engagement optimization

Mobile and web applications (Sitecore Mobile Experience Manager)
With this amazing tool, optimizing the mobile experience of your customers transiting from laptops to smartphones when accessing emails or social media campaigns will be seamless. Two powerful accelerators, Sitecore Mobile SDK and Xamarin, will enable developers to build mobile applications across iOS, Apple, Android and .NET mobile devices.

Key features:

  • Ability to manage app content within Sitecore
  • Facility to build native iOS, Android apps using C# Visual Studio in Xamarin
  • Write once, deploy many advantage

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Social marketing (Sitecore Social Experience)
With this powerful tool, it is easy to create personalized, generic, and paid social campaigns for customers based on their interactions with your business. Besides, it allows marketers to add blogging, other social functionality, and user-generated content to Sitecore website without any hardship.

Commerce and retail (Sitecore Commerce)
Add this functionality to improve cart conversions and online sales by delivering personalized shopping experiences in real-time.

Key features:

  • Personalization and experience optimization with testing
  • Card abandonment automation
  • Product information management
  • Nurturing customers

Dynamic print (Sitecore Print Experience Manager)
By integrating your print with all other channels, the Sitecore Print Experience Manager ensures that your unified brand message is delivered to the end users associated with your business. With this, your marketers can benefit from the eliminated duplicate effort, endless revision, and human errors.

Key features:

  • Enables to customize print
  • Streamlines printing process
  • Ensures brand consistency across channels

Non-Sitecore websites (Sitecore Federated Experience Manager)

The next-generation tool enables your business to deliver a relevant, tailored, connected and unified customer experience across all your non-Sitecore sites.

Key features:

  • Personalized content across different platforms
  • Delivering consistent experience to customers across all channels
  • Providing one connected and measurable experience

The powerful features and amazing capabilities of Sitecore can enable marketers to plan, execute, and deliver unified marketing campaigns across multiple channels for creating a continuous user engagement.

Existing Sitecore user? Don’t know how to leverage the fullest benefits of this next-generation platform? Our experts can help. Let’s talk.

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