4 Reasons Why Enterprise Mobility Matters for Your Business

April 7, 2017

Sowmya Balasubramanian

4 Reasons Why Enterprise Mobility Matters for Your Business

As IT heads and business decision makers, you might be thinking why should you embrace mobility when your business is chugging along just right, without any need for technology.

At the same time, you might be confused as to why are the major players in your industry disrupting their own business models with some automation or technological innovation! Sounds interesting, right? If yes, you are just at the right place to get yourself convinced to take that extra step to go mobile.

  1. To Gain Competitive Advantage

Innovative companies are even scaling up to combine the convenience in digital and trustworthiness brought about by look & feel in brick-and-mortar so that they can engage their customers with best of both the worlds.

For example, some of the fashion retailers are installing kiosks at physical stores apart from the online presence so that they can check availability online from kiosks and try them in store.

We are living in an increasingly commoditized world where it is imperative to digitize almost everything, but without embracing technology, companies will lose their competitive advantage.

  1. To Save Costs

Not every process of your business requires human involvement and intervention. There are enterprise applications to automate monotonous stereotypical jobs and this cuts down expenses, thereby achieving faster and accurate ways of doing it, resulting in increased employee satisfaction.

If you are looking at lowering your costs and increasing ROI over a period, then all it needs immediately is studying your business processes to identify areas of automation.

  1. To Exceed Customer Expectations

With increased focus on connectivity and convergence, businesses are dealing with the millennial customers who are highly tech-savvy. Technology evangelists predict 5 connected devices for every user by 2020. Time and again, business must judge the desires of their customers, and getting it right every time is not a joke!

In this time of heightened expectations, organizations must concentrate on delivering seamless engagement with every customer and utilize every touchpoint to delight the customers.

Organizations are dealing with customers seeking instant gratification where businesses cannot even wait until complaints reach them, but are expected to institute proactive processes via social media to listen to the concerns and address it instantly. They have to be made to feel important constantly!

  1. To Improve Employees’ Quality of Life

It is the responsibility of the organization to ensure the employees can strike a work’life balance. Organizations have realized this fact which has resulted in increasing number on changing their positions on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and Mobile Workforce.

Statistics say that, 61% of Gen Y and 50% of 30+ aged employees believe that the technology tools they use in personal life are more efficient and productive than the ones used in their work life.

The biggest advantage of enterprise applications is that it can be customized to suit almost your every business need ensuring the internal workflows, validations and checklists are intact while you revolutionize your business functions.

Be the First Mover
Even when the benefits of adopting mobile strategies are clear and measurable, and though technology experts may claim that the pace of technology adoption is exponentially increasing, you may believe you can get there when it becomes a standard industry practice.

But that time, you’ll already be struggling to catch up and other players in the industry would have tried and tested which will equip them to be industry leaders. The introduction of commonly used commercial website came in 1990s, from there needless to say here the multiple changes businesses have so far faced in digital world.

Before other entrants, if you are looking to establish a strong brand value and customer loyalty by providing digital convenience, then be the leader, not a follower!

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