Communication in the Digital World Through Chatbots

April 15, 2019

Communication in the Digital World Through Chatbots

While yesterday’s consumer was a patient listener, today’s consumer looks forward to quick and visual assistance. Conversational AI is a yardstick that is now taken into consideration to assess a company’s user engagement programs and the ability to stay up-to-date.

Communication continues to be 2-way but this time, its human-machine conversation where the machine has evolved over the years to adapt to the queries posed by people and “learns” to craft unique & relevant responses. Chatbots play an immense role in delivering the message of the company and bridging the gap that otherwise exists between the brand and the consumer.

Human-Machine Communication

From wall paintings, sign languages to voice communication and now, digital communication, the art of conversation is as deep as it is widespread.
Various technologies and methodologies are assisting contemporary human-machine interaction. They are cracking the code of the analytical as well as the cognitive ability of a human brain to formulate communication patterns while keeping in mind the informative and emotional aspect of delivering the idea.
Technologies like Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Understanding (NLU), and Natural Language Generation (NLG) help chatbots understand human language and learn from the past experiences to make future correspondence fruitful.

  • NLU: The technical tool that reads the given input for relevance and adherence to guidelines if given. For instance, Google Assistant and Siri filter out profanity with the help of NLU.
  • NLG: So, a machine does not understand the inputs given in a specific human language. The crux lies in processing the keyed in structured data, which is then generated into a comprehensible text.
  • NLP: It is the combination of NLG and NLU that makes sense of the input provided, in this case, to the chatbots. NLP ensures that the chatbot can assess the data fed, understand the relevance, and respond inappropriate language to the target audience.

digital communication chatbots

The Industrial Advantage

Digital communication is more humanized, thanks to the essence of language & analysis embedded in the chatbots. Chatbots make customer engagement and marketing more proactive and productive.
As the chatbot learns via seamless human interaction, chatbots can help brands humanize their approach to the audience and deliver an end-to-end conversational experience.
Some of the most common industries that are deploying chatbots for their engagement programs are:

  • Travel & Hospitality Industry
  • Academics & Education Entertainment
  • Education
  • Banking, financial services, and insurance
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Retail
  • Transportation

The Future of Digital Communication

Gone are the days when organizations had to set aside a large budget for promotional activities. In the digital world, this can be simplified with the QRTs (Quick Response Times), and chatbots, programmed to gratify the customer’s QRT experience to build loyalty.
The QRT can be enhanced in the form of links to relevant queries, video demonstrations, available contact details for further information, and a one-stop point content about the brand and how it can help the visiting customer.
Startups and small and medium businesses now understand the optimized nature of chatbots and how it can bring them closer with the potential clientele at a fraction of the cost of a marketing expert. This can also be an asset for the established organizations looking to improve their existing communication paradigms and optimize their marketing abilities.
Not to mention, chatbots will do away with the cumbersome apps? and create a one path stream for the users to interact with brands and organizations. In the world of excess content and numerous applications, this one-stop approach by the chatbots for a digital interaction is refreshing.

Try AI-Powered vChat today!

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