Are you complying? Looming ADA Rules Could Affect Your Restaurant’s Website Anytime!

March 27, 2017

Anand Kannan

Are you complying? Looming ADA Rules Could Affect Your Restaurant’s Website Anytime!

Is your website ADA compliant? Is it accessible to everyone? Well, if your answer to both the questions is a big ‘NO,’ then brace yourself for costly lawsuit or hefty penalties in thousands of dollars!

Of late, a growing number of popular restaurant companies in USA are under the scrutiny of ADA lawsuits for not offering equal services to guests and visitors with physical limitations.

ADA non-compliance a cause of concern for restaurant operators in America

With 70-80% of companies relying on online orders and payments, the inequality in accessing the websites by users with impairments can lead to threatening lawsuits.

Experts warn that non-compliant websites will fall under the scrutiny of federal Department of Justice and it is better to revamp the website with ADA compliant measures sooner. The restaurant websites are vulnerable to lawsuits if they don’t adhere to the WCAG 2.0 ADA guidelines.

While pre-settlement for the litigations is practiced by some, individual restaurant operators are bearing the brunt of ADA lawsuit as they must spend exorbitant money to defense lawyers, and this could leave them in the lurch.

How restaurant operators can avoid lawsuits and penalties?

Understanding the ADA guidelines is a must and revamping the site based on the guidelines is the best practice to avoid potential legal threats or fines.

How do you know your restaurant website is ADA compliant or not?
A simple and efficient technique would be performing an ADA compliant audit on your website with expert ADA compliance services partner. With the technical know-hows on ADA WCAG 2.0 guidelines, they would assess the website and perform a complete testing to list out the vulnerabilities with severity rating.

They’ll compare the violation based on the severity and help your business fix the issues on-time to ensure your website is accessible to everyone.

Abiding to ADA guidelines benefits more than what meets the eyes!
Your website complying to ADA rules not only avoid lawsuits, fines but can entice global visitors. Simply put, your website will be more visible in search engines like Google. As most of the ADA violations are related to SEO, revamping your website with compliant measures can ensure enhanced online performance and reaching out more customers fast.

So, by all means redesigning your website to ADA standards can boost your global online presence for long run and elevate your business to next level. But, identifying the non-compliant parameters of website requires expertise and experience. Partner with the right ADA compliance services to ensure ADA compliance.

Looking for a trusted and seasoned ADA compliance services to prevent your website from costly lawsuits? Talk to our experts today for a single page web analysis report of website with vulnerabilities.

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