Building an innovative cloud-based workforce management platform for the largest global Employer of Record

September 28, 2021

Idhaya M V

Building an innovative cloud-based workforce management platform for the largest global Employer of Record

iWorkGlobal LLC – Acquired by Velocity Global in Apr’21, is the largest global Employer of Record. It is a digital workforce management platform used widely across various countries. The organization’s vision is to create a world where companies can engage talent quickly, without any slips in compliance, and sans barriers.

Challenge Faced

MyVista is a robust platform that helps manage employees and independent contractors. With several new clients using the MyVista platform, unique customizations of the MyVista platform were a challenge. The time and resources needed to execute this were simply unavailable, especially at the organization’s scale. Apart from UX customizations and enhancements, the platform also needed to support multiple 3rd party integrations.

Eleviant, with its proven track record in delivering world-class technology solutions, was able to understand the challenge iWorkGlobal faced. Eleviant worked to enhance the way iWorkGlobal was working, and using its cloud expertise, greatly improved the operations of the MyVista platform using the latest cloud technologies. The cloud transition journey with Eleviant started showing results for iWorkGlobal immediately. The number of users using this platform started seeing a hike around the globe. Business outcomes started improving on a large scale.

This is not All!

There is more to the story! Just fill in your details, and we will immediately mail the complete case study to dive deep into our tools and methodologies. So please take a look at the case study to know the value delivered and technology used to transform our client's business.

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