How Lead Generation Chatbots Can Drive Your Business

April 10, 2019

How Lead Generation Chatbots Can Drive Your Business

Without marketing, a company’s growth trajectory ceases to exist. Especially in today’s world, building marketing strategies around the digital realm is essential.
This is where lead generation chatbots come into play. While humanized marketing communication cannot be overshadowed, the automated counterpart can help streamline lead securing, marketing, and branding. Chatbots can drastically improve your ROI through efficient marketing:

1. Adopting a conversational approach

Customers are not exactly thrilled about the prospects of filling out forms. Chatbots forgo this tedious method and collect double the amount of information via their conversational approach.
This way is less draining than mundane data entry. With an array of platforms to connect on, like WhatsApp, Messenger, Twitter, and LinkedIn, lead generation chatbots can reach out to a broader audience and set a base for business growth.

2. Active engagement

The 24/7 availability of these chatbots plays an essential role in maintaining an active engagement with customers. The friendly approach and ease of communication further boosts connections and attracts attention towards the brand.
Customers can be assured of an immediate response to their query. Moreover, chatbots can share content with leads regularly, keeping them updated on the daily news of the organization and keeping in touch with the customer. When there is positive attention, customer satisfaction level increases – which, in turn, bolsters higher conversion rates and improved ROI.

3. Converts cold leads into customers

Today, both aesthetics and creativity matters. Customers are more likely to respond to Facebook messages rather than emails. Most people have several unanswered or unopened emails at any given time.
But chatbots synced with social media platforms have the advantage of being present, irrespective of time. They help customers, especially first-time users, to approach the brand with their queries. Such an engaging approach, where chatbots introduce the leads to services, benefits, and many other facets of the organization at a mere touch of a button makes it easier to gain positive traction that helps convert cold leads to clients.

4. Analyzes based on feedback

The work of a lead generation bot doesn’t end with getting clients. It goes a step beyond and analyzes the outcomes of that interaction. In the case of a successful conversion, the chatbot can further refine its approach.
On the other hand, if a lead fails to convert, it can look for alternate methods, based on the customer feedback and analysis of the process. Once the chatbot understands the needs of the target audience, it can improve the chances of business development and revamp the existing marketing strategies to customize them per the clientele’s requirements. Lead generation chatbots amplify marketing strategies that enhance a brand’s visibility.
More and more companies will deploy these interactive learning agents into their business processes to make interaction and customer engagement easier. Industries like the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance), Real Estate, Hospitality, and Education have turned to the bot’s automated implementation. According to a report by Gartner, small scale organizations can gain tremendous merit by leveraging these chatbots. It also predicted that 85% of the customer interactions will happen through chatbots by the year 2020. Most companies will be equipped with chatbots. So, what’s stopping you? Amplify your business opportunities today.

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