WebRTC Helping Retailers To Assist Their Mobile Shoppers Make Informed Buying Decisions

May 20, 2015

Impiger Technologies

WebRTC Helping Retailers To Assist Their Mobile Shoppers Make Informed Buying Decisions

Mobile shopping is prevalent as the shopper is able to search for a product and buy while on-the-move. Yet it can also be frustrating due to the fact that there is no one immediately available to help them in searching the right product.

During such hassles, customers are more likely to exit the shopping app which is an opportunity loss for the retailer. So, retailers can no longer view customer service as an option but a necessity. Providing the best mobile shopping experience will be a key differentiator for a competitive advantage.

‘More than 80% of Retailers plan to increase their Customer Experience spending in 2015 ‘ Survey by Econsultancy’

Let’s say a shopper has questions during the buying process about product details, shipping info, delivery date, etc. How easy it would be if he/she could just click on a button and be instantly connected with a customer service rep through a real time video chat for assistance, instead of abandoning the basket, having searched through a FAQ section.

Yes, here comes the WebRTC, a technology which is revolutionizing the mobile shopping experience by enabling speedy communication between customer and the retail sales rep. A WebRTC powered mobile shopping will be able to assist online shoppers in making an informed buying decision through a high-quality mobile shopping experience at the click of a button.

Let’s Talk and discuss how Eleviant can help retailers redefine the mobile shopping experience using WebRTC.

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