Enterprise Mobile App Development Services for Manufacturing

Say goodbye to legacy apps, cumbersome workflows, and paper-based processes, and embrace digital efficiency with Eleviant. Lean on our decade-long industrial mobile app development expertise to accelerate your digital transformation journey and drive innovation.
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In the manufacturing industry, where efficiency and productivity are paramount, an enterprise mobile app can help companies gain a competitive edge by streamlining processes, enhancing communication, and providing real-time data analysis.

35% ROI is reported when companies invest in enterprise mobility apps.

At Eleviant, our talented analysts, UI/UX designers, solution architects, developers, testers, and project managers excel in fine-tuning business processes, modernizing legacy systems, and building custom mobile apps for manufacturing companies. With our enterprise manufacturing mobile apps development service, you can transform your operations, optimize resource utilization, and achieve higher productivity.


Field Staff Mobility

Empower field workers to access critical information, tools, and resources on the go and capture data, irrespective of internet availability.

Integrate Business Applications

Integrate business applications and enable smooth communication and information exchange between teams.

Automate Processes

Achieve higher levels of efficiency by automating repetitive tasks such as production scheduling, inventory, and quality control.

Competitive Advantage

Gain a competitive edge by staying agile, efficient, and responsive in a rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape.

Staff Mobility

Allow your team to securely access business information from anywhere.

Increase Employee Engagement

Increase employee engagement with push notifications, instant messaging, and more.

Automate Processes

Save time and money by automating and mobilizing business workflows.

Integrate Business Applications

Boost productivity by integrating all business applications into one app.

Why Eleviant

As your business expands, you will likely face challenges such as disengaged employees, information silos, and inefficient software and tools. A highly customized enterprise mobility solution can solve these problems and drive business growth.

Eleviant offers a talented team of analysts, UI/UX designers, solution architects, developers, testers, and project managers. Whether you want to unify scattered data and systems, automate workflows or build wearable solutions, our proficient team has the expertise to deliver unmatched services. We have developed apps for various sectors such as Manufacturing, Logistics & Supply Chain, Construction, Healthcare, Financial Services, and Retail.

Enterprise App Development Services

Enterprise Mobile App Consulting

Discover your enterprise’s mobile readiness and make wiser technological choices with our client-first mobile consulting services.

UI/UX Consulting

Our certified experts have years of experience in designing robust user interfaces that are visually appealing, and functional.

Native Android & iOS App Development

From smartphones and tablets to TVs, we have developed and deployed scalable solutions across devices, ensuring exceptional UX for clients.

Wearable App Development

Our team can create immersive experiences in wearable devices across all sizes and compatible with various platforms.

Cross-Platform App Development

Our team has extensive experience in cost-effectively building cross-platform enterprise mobile apps using leading technologies like Flutter, React Native, and Xamarin.

App Modernization

Modernize legacy applications by migrating them to the cloud, integrate disparate systems and applications, and stay industry compliant.

Enterprise Mobility

Utilize mobile dashboards and analytics to gain real-time visibility into production processes, monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), and more. 

App Maintenance and Enhancements

From bug fixes to mobile app upgrades and feature enhancements, we are here to provide on-demand support so your business runs flawlessly.

Our Client Stories

Enterprise Mobility Solutions for Manufacturing

Revolutionize the way you handle inventory with customized inventory management mobile apps. Gain visibility into stock levels, receive automated alerts for when stock is low, and proactively replenish stocks based on algorithms that analyze historical data and demand patterns.

  • Real-time visibility & automated alerts.
  • Enhanced decision-making.
  • Scalability and customization.

Ensure that maintenance tasks are noticed more effectively by scheduling and tracking equipment maintenance tasks with an equipment maintenance app. Send notifications to technicians of upcoming maintenance activities and empower them to conveniently document performed actions and issues encountered directly from their mobile devices. 

  • Efficient maintenance scheduling.
  • Detailed maintenance logs.
  • Timely notifications.

Enable quality control personnel to inspect and document defects with photographic evidence straight from their mobile devices. We can build quality control apps to help you manage various activities related to quality control and inspection processes, including job creation, inspection, work instructions, audits, and change requests.

  • Documentation with photographic evidence.
  • Accurate defect reporting and analysis. 
  • Optimized inspection workflows.

Track and manage various aspects of the production process in your manufacturing facility. At Eleviant, we can help you identify and eliminate bottlenecks, reduce downtime, and improve overall efficiency. We build robust custom production tracking apps that integrate with other existing systems, such as ERP systems and supply chain management software, and create customized mobile dashboards to display relevant production metrics so you can make faster business decisions even on the go.

  • Optimize production processes.
  • Enhance productivity.
  • Achieve greater operational efficiency.

Enable employees to report potential hazards or unsafe conditions in the workplace directly from their smartphones. Workers can identify and document hazards and incidents with detailed descriptions such as date, time, location, and photos of the incidents for historical reference and regulatory compliance. Provide employees access to safety protocols, training materials, and emergency contacts.

  • Safety data analysis. 
  • Regulatory compliance reporting. 
  • Notification and alerts.

Streamline workforce management processes such as shift scheduling, time tracking, and attendance management with Eleviant’s mobile app development service. Reduce administrative overhead by empowering employees to manage their schedules, clock in/out, request leaves, and receive notifications about schedule changes.

  • Employee shift scheduling.
  • Time tracking. 
  • Attendance tracking. 

Gain a Competitive Edge with custom-built Secure, Scalable Enterprise Apps

Our Mobile App Development Process

Our Technology Expertise


Who We Are

Are your employees switching between different applications and processing data twice? Is your legacy software hindering enterprise mobility? – It doesn’t have to be that way.

At Eleviant, we know how crucial it is for businesses to get systems and applications and teams to work synchronized and collaborative. Over the last 18 years, we’ve helped many companies leverage technology to increase efficiency, productivity, and revenue. No matter how complex your business needs are, we are here to support you with optimal technol ogy solutions.

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Ready to Build Scalable Enterprise Apps That Propel Your Success?
