Digital Transformation

Manufacturing Conglomerate Optimizes Their SharePoint Setup and Migrates Data

Managing vast amounts of data across multiple international regions posed a significant challenge for a multinational manufacturing firm. With their data concentrated in their headquarters’ region, employees in other locations faced difficulty accessing crucial information quickly and efficiently.   The firm realized that their traditional SharePoint setup was a bottleneck, limiting scalability, and creating inefficiencies in…

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Automation Bots: If You Can Imagine It, You Can Build It

Behind every successful insurance agency lies a drive towards operational efficiency.  Policy renewals, reconciliation, data entry, and policy administration all contribute to sluggish workflows and frustrated employees. These tasks drain valuable time and resources leading to errors and inconsistencies.  The Solution: Intelligent Automation  This frees your employees to focus on what truly matters – delivering

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Mobile App Development Trends 2024: What Businesses Need to Know

Smartphones have become inseparable from our daily lives – they’re where we connect, work, and play. Mobile app development technology is constantly advancing, creating new opportunities for businesses to broaden their customer reach and improve operational efficiency. Companies now embrace trends like AI-driven automation or AR integration to achieve these ends. Businesses have an opportunity to

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8 Benefits of SharePoint for Enterprise Content Management

For any business, information is crucial. Managing enterprise information becomes more important as organizations evolve.   Then, there’s the impact of knowledge management on employees. A study by Glean shows that employees spend at least 2 hours of their workday searching for vital documents or data.   Knowledge management tools like SharePoint help employees find and share information faster. 

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Organize, Scale, Secure – The Three Dimensions of SharePoint Online Migration

SharePoint Online, a core part of the Microsoft ecosystem, offers a modern way to collaborate that surpasses the limitations of on-premises and legacy systems.  Migrating to SharePoint Online offers both business and technological benefits. These include, among others, scalability and an elimination of on-site server maintenance. Data Engineering and Workflow Optimization Benefits While SharePoint Online

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Power Automate: Streamlining Workflows Between Microsoft 365 Apps

Workflow automation is essential for businesses looking to improve operational efficiency and streamline processes. According to McKinsey, 30% of business leaders report reduced costs as a direct result of automation.   Microsoft Power Automate is a go-to solution within the workflow automation space. 93% of FORTUNE 500 companies use Power Automate given its integration with familiar Microsoft 365 tools and

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Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: Seize the Digital Advantage

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: Seize the Digital Advantage

The manufacturing world is evolving at lightning speed. Digital transformation isn’t just an option – it’s the key to survival and success in the Industry 4.0 era.  Are you ready to transform your operations, boost efficiency, and outperform your competition? This dossier will guide you through:  The Why: Explore the compelling reasons why digital transformation is

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Paper Vs Digital: Time to upgrade your Inspection Processes

Paper Vs Digital: Time to Upgrade Your Inspection Processes

Business processes stay unchanged for several reasons, including familiarity and cost concerns, even when alternatives promise better outcomes. This is especially true for inspections. While inspections are a crucial part of operations in industries like oil and energy, healthcare and supply chain, using outdated methods can lead to wasted time, potential errors, and missed opportunities

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The Rise of Hyperautomation - Combining RPA, Low Code, and AI

The Rise of Hyperautomation – Combining RPA, Low Code, and AI

Today’s businesses brim with opportunities to automate processes. According to a survey by Gartner, 80% of executives think automation can be applied to any business decision. Though bits of automation help, taking a holistic approach gives companies a competitive edge, boosts productivity, and reduces costs. This is where “hyperautomation” comes in. Deconstructing Hyperautomation Hyperautomation is

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Closing the Loop: Ensuring the Resolution of Inspections

Why is effective tracking of anomaly important for organizations?  Timely identification and correcting anomalies help prevent larger disruptions and maintain operations.  Understanding the underlying reasons for deviations enables organizations to implement targeted solutions, addressing the core issues rather than just the symptoms.   Organizations promptly resolve anomalies and avoid unnecessary expenditures on emergency fixes or extensive

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